Quality Environment and Safety

The complexity of each project makes it unique, but commitments to Safety are extremely important for its success.

The complexity of each project makes it unique, but commitments to Safety are extremely important for its success.

Acting in a preventive and responsible manner, complying with objectives and targets, and legal requirements, are our main strategic objectives for maintaining high performance standards in the area of Occupational Safety.

A successful project is not only one that satisfies our customers' demands, that meets quality or environmental standards, or that complies with current legal regulations, it is first and foremost one that is carried out under safe conditions for all concerned parties. And this is achieved through an occupational risk prevention policy, the objective of which is to prevent and avoid accidents at work.

The objective from the beginning of each project is to rigorously plan all the work carried out by the group.

It is our ambition to contribute to resolving the environmental challenges inherent to our projects and we are aware that environmental performance is an integrated part of our Social Responsibility Policy.

Cristele Santos

Management Control
And how do we do it?

Why Ambigroup

And how do we do it?

Through the detailed identification of existing waste types, the estimation of quantities, forms of management and types of packaging, allows us to develop the best and most sustainable upstream segregation methodologies, minimizing mixing and contamination of the different fractions as much as possible.

Our goal is to offer our customers and partners the best waste management solutions that benefit the Environment, Economy and Society without compromising Future Generations.”



Ambigroup, as a reference organization in the environmental management sector, considers Quality to be a critical factor in the Group's culture and in strengthening its relationships with Customers and all concerned parties.

Our environmental concerns and the promotion of safety precautions in the workplace are factors to which we attach primary importance and which are associated with the company's other activities. Only the use of synergies covering all types of areas allows sustainable results.

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